July 2024 update: This website has now been updated with the 2023 payroll and checkbook data. Data for the State Education Resource Center (SERC) will be added in the coming months. To share feedback or report any issues, please contact CTData Collaborative at info@ctdata.org.



Connecticut Port Authority

The Connecticut Port Authority is a quasi-public agency created in 2014 that is responsible for marketing and coordinating the development of the state’s ports and maritime economy. The creation of the Connecticut Port Authority represents a major commitment to invest in the state’s port infrastructure to create jobs and attract private investment to the state.

Show demographics and payroll data for

calendar year.


Demographic data for Connecticut Port Authority employees in 2023 is not available.

Employees and Compensation

Job Title
Empl Type
Salaries & Wages
Total Compensation
Hire Date
Term Date
Ulysses Hammond
CPA Finance Director
Andrew Lavigne
CPA Mgr of Bus Dev
Laurie Epler
CPA Fiscal Admin Asst
Jill Dowling-Moreno
CPA Office Manager
Fayola Haynes
CPA Finance Director

*Fringe is the cost associated with employment other than salary and wages. This typically includes the employer's share of health and retirement benefits but may vary across each entity. Quasi-public agencies utilizing the state's CORE-CT payroll system will show significantly higher fringe rates due costs including a number of components, some of which are not related to the cost of the benefits earned by the employee to whom they applied. For more detailed information about how totals for fringe are calculated, please inquire directly with the quasi-public agency.